Middlebury Student Government Association

The Middlebury Student Government Association is the primary channel through which students participate in college policy making and represent the Middlebury student body. In the interest of transparency and increased participation, members of the Middlebury community may use this site to raise any issues that they wish the SGA to address. The questions, comments and concerns received through this blog will be read and considered at weekly Senate and Cabinet meetings.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Staff Appreciation Award

It's that time of year again: the SGA is calling for nominations for this years’ recipient of the Staff Appreciation Award. The award is presented to the member of the Staff who has demonstrated exceptional service to the Middlebury community, and in doing so has established a strong relationship with individual students, groups of students, and/or the student body as a whole.

Please take a moment to honor a Staff member who has demonstrated these above characteristics, by submitting a nomination to the SGA via email. All nominees will be honored at a cocktail reception open to the entire campus community later this spring.

Directions for Nominating:
Please email sga (at) middlebury (dot) edu with the name of the person you wish to nominate and his or or her job here at Middlebury. In a brief paragraph, describe how this person fulfills the characteristics described above. Nominations do not have to be long, but the strength of your words will be considered when the Senate votes. Please include your name and class year.

The deadline for submissions is this Saturday, April 28, at 5pm.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Stop by the candidate debate...

in the library, Room 201, tonight at 7:00.

At the end of the formal debate, there will be time for questions from the audience.


Saturday, April 21, 2007


Middlebury College Student Government Association
Senate Meeting
Sunday April 22, 2007
Robert A. Jones Conference Room


I. Call to Order 5:45p
II. Approval of Previous Meeting’s Minutes* 5:47p
III. Cabinet and Community Council Report 5:50p
IV. Carbon Neutrality for Student Organizations (Chester)* 5:55p
V. New Business 6:20p
VIII. Adjourn 6:30p

*Denotes action item

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Campaigning for SGA President and SCCOCC Begins

Campaigning has begun for SGA President and SCCOCC!

See below to read candidates' letters of intent.

This coming Sunday, April 22nd at 7:00 pm in Library 201, the candidates will participate in a debate. All members of the community are welcome to attend and ask questions.

Election will begin on Thursday the 26th at 12 noon and run for twenty four hours. Check you email inbox for the voting link next week.


Candidate Letters of Intent

Max Nardini- Candidate for President
The SGA president has two principle responsibilities. The first, as the title implies, is to manage and administrate meetings of the student government. This includes setting the agenda of the senate and appointing committee heads (such as the heads of the finance committee or constitution committee). Therefore, the president plays a large role in determining what issues the SGA addresses. As both a member of the Middlebury community and a candidate for SGA president, I will continue to work toward the following:

1. Facilitating open and informed debate on campus

This semester, I participated in a student panel on Iran, in which the panelists discussed varying views on the future of US-Iranian relations. After presenting our opinions, we opened up the floor to questions or comments. What emerged was a compelling discussion. Building on this model, I will organize events in which several speakers present different perspectives on the same topic (for example, the Arab-Israeli conflict or school vouchers). The goal will be to challenge previously held opinions and stimulate wider debate amongst the college community.

2. Improving campus social life
As a founding member of Xanadu, I will continue to support this fully student run (and awesome!) nightclub.

3. Making our campus carbon neutral
Addressing climate change may well be the defining challenge of our generation. As SGA president, I will support Middshift’s campaign to reduce the college’s net carbon emissions to zero.

4. Continuing to raise awareness and support for the victims of genocide in the Sudan
Paul Rusesabagina’s personal account of the genocide in Rwanda served as a chilling reminder that similarly horrific acts are occurring in the Sudan. As members of the Middlebury community, we are in a strong position to assist in education and fundraising efforts to halt these vile acts.

5. Eliminating hydrogenated oil (transfats) from the dining halls
Studies have shown transfat to be significantly more harmful than either regular or saturated fat. I will work with dining services to find healthier alternatives to transfat products. After all, we should be able to enjoy the Ross pizza or green sandwich wraps guilt free (both contain hydrogenated oil).

The second responsibility of the SGA president is to be the liaison between the student body and the administration. The president attends community council and trustee meetings. What’s more, the administration often consults the SGA president on matters that emerge over the course of the year. As SGA president, I will ensure that the administration has a clear understanding of student priorities. Above all else, I promise to be active, engaged, and always open to the thoughts and concerns of all members of the Middlebury community.

Dean Atyia- Candidate for SCCOCC
I have never regretted being at Middlebury; in fact, I’m not sure if I would have been happy at many other schools. What I have come to regret, however, are the ways in which the school, as a whole, has not taken the initiative to affect obvious improvements. The improvements I’m referring to, the ones for which I feel responsible, are those that are aimed at maximizing your quality of life. I have served for two semesters on Community Council, and in that time, I have not done many things that have directly helped you the students. I have supported and attempted to further the program for a campus-wide wireless network, and as far as I can tell, it’s on the way. Other than that, it has been business as usual. I want that to change. The ideas I have, some would say, are beyond the scope of possibility. Maybe, but I do not think so.

One of Middlebury’s stark inadequacies, some call it the Guster Syndrome, is the lack of an entertainment venue directed at the entire campus. MCAB did bring Wyclef and J5, and I had a great time at those shows, but let’s be honest, they fell a bit short. While schools like Brown and Colgate are enjoying two-day concert events with bands like the Flaming Lips and the Roots, we see a mediocre show once a year. Sure, there are plenty of Gamut room specials and McCullough extravaganzas, but please give me a concert I can’t say no to. How can we fix this? I would like to form a concert committee with two members of MCAB, two board members from WRMC, six other college students, and Money. This committee will enjoy the financial freedom to host a concert series without infringing oversight but instead, a minimal degree of administrative supervision. Imagine a two spring days (if it ever warms up) on Battell Beach with music, food, and tiki torches. Their final proposal will require SGA and CC approval, and Wyclef can only come back on the condition that he opens for the Rolling Stones.

I know the campus charge cards were phased out. They were problematic and students were getting away without paying the bill, but can we please try again? What if your access card not only opened doors for you, but it also allowed you to buy your books, get food at the grill, pick up some cold medicine at MiddExpress, and do your laundry? The only thing standing between the return of these convenience cards is a tiring pessimism that I would really like to rethink.

There are so many other things I wish I could delve into as I compose this short statement, but permit me to simply mention them. I’ve heard many students ask why we cannot continue Thursday night candlelit dinners. We can. Why doesn’t Xanadu serve liquor? I think it should. Will the library ever been open late, excluding the concession made during exams? I think this is an imperative. What will become of the social house system? This is an ongoing debate that needs more attention. I cannot guarantee everything, but I do promise that there will be a website through which you can suggest topics that we will address. Community Council must tackle certain issues every year, other than that, it is your forum for improvement.

Most importantly, however, Middlebury is one of the premier NESCAC institutions. Some go as far as to call it a “little ivy.” It is time to institute the kind of changes that such an academic institution needs in order to remain competitive in the field of higher education.

Eric Hoest- Candidate for SCCOCC
I am pleased to announce my candidacy for Student Co-Chair of Community Council. If elected, I will ensure that the Community Council effectively tackles issues that arise throughout the year and makes meaningful policy recommendations to the Administration.

The Community Council is unique in that all groups within the greater College Community – Faculty, Staff, Students, and Administrators – have equal voices in discussing and solving problems that affect us all. As Co-Chair, I will facilitate open discussion between all members of Community Council to ensure that our recommendations truly reflect the best interest of everyone. I will be a thoughtful listener, and will not let my own opinions dominate group discussion.

There are a few key issues that we will likely tackle on the Council: social houses, smoking policy, alcohol, environmentalism, and diversity. If elected, I will see that the Council takes all views concerning these issues into consideration and that we come up with decisions that benefit everyone.

Please vote for me on April 26th, knowing that I will work hard to build consensus and strive to continue Middlebury’s reputation as an engaged and supportive community.


Friday, April 13, 2007


Middlebury College Student Government Association
Senate Meeting
Sunday April 15, 2007
Robert A. Jones Conference Room

I. Call to Order 6:15p
II. Approval of Previous Meeting’s Minutes* 6:17p
III. Cabinet and Community Council Report 6:20p
IV. Approval of Candidates for SGA President and SCCOCC* 6:30p
V. Library Hours (Kuni Suzuki) 6:55p
VI. Intramural Sports Bill (John Reed)* 7:10p
VII. New Business 7:20p
VIII. Adjourn 7:30p

*Denotes action item

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Thursday, April 05, 2007


Middlebury College Student Government Association
Senate Meeting
Sunday April 8, 2007
Robert A. Jones Conference Room

I. Call to Order 6:15p
II. Approval of Previous Meeting’s Minutes* 6:17p
III. Cabinet and Community Council Report 6:20p
IV. Smoking Policy Review 6:30p
V. Course Evaluations Bill (John)* 7:00p
VI. Adjourn 7:15p

*Denotes action item

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Room Draw 2007...and the future

As many of you know, earlier this year the SGA distributed a survey to all students and from its results and conversations with administrators put together a recommendation for President Liebowitz regarding the future of Room Draw. Fundamentally, the proposal suggested opening up the process for Seniors so aren't restricted by their Commons affiliation. While the Room Draw process for 2007 (this year) won't change, President Liebowitz, in an email today to all students, wrote that he has accepted the "spriit of the recomendation, which will take effect next spring." From the email:

beginning next spring (2008), room draw will include some kind of open draw for seniors, based on a lottery system, which will give seniors from all five Commons equal access to College housing.

President Liebowitz and his staff will continue to engage this issue over the next months, and there is still plenty of opportunity for students to get involved in the process. Email Dean Spears with any comments you might have and check your inboxes for updates about upcoming open meetings on residential life.

For information on this year's Room Draw process, check out the college's website.
