Middlebury Student Government Association

The Middlebury Student Government Association is the primary channel through which students participate in college policy making and represent the Middlebury student body. In the interest of transparency and increased participation, members of the Middlebury community may use this site to raise any issues that they wish the SGA to address. The questions, comments and concerns received through this blog will be read and considered at weekly Senate and Cabinet meetings.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Room Draw Survey

How do you feel about Room Draw and housing at Middlebury?

Weigh in with your opinion at our survey site

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  • At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think it's a terrible idea to get rid of the points system because then there's no incentive to stay in any commons - why wouldn't i move to ross for sophomore and junior year and then come back to atwater for senior year? the best part about the commons is the community within each commons. i love the fact that i can walk around coffrin or chateau and most of my friends are right there. getting rid of the commons room draw system totally undermines the commons project. it would be idiotic to destroy the commons now after the countless hours of planning and innumerable resources that have been dedicated to making them succeed. i think people need to be less self-centered and look toward the future of middlebury. eventually everyone will have great senior housing, but in the meantime, there are still excellent alternatives to atwater suites. if people in other commons are really ready to leave all of their friends but three behind to isolate themselves in an atwater suite across campus, then i think the problem lies in their lack of community, not housing equality.

  • At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Less self centered? This, coming from someone who is just worried he might not be able to get an Atwater suite anymore? It seems it is you who is being self centered in this argument. I think most people came to a school this size to have the diversity of 2000 other students, and the commons system sometimes undermines this by making it feel like a school of 400 or so. Opening up housing would not only eliminate the monotony of living in the same building all four years (i.e. Ross), but allow for diversity of friendships throughout our lives here. If the commons were opened, the three students that the Atwater Junior mentioned, who would be moving into an Atwater suite senior year, would probably already know many of their neighbors because they would have lived around many of them before. Finally, opening room draw would give the whole campus access to Ross' plethora of sophomore/junior suites, and not penalize Rossers for taking a year outside of Ross. Everybody makes fun of people from Ross for never leaving the complex, so lets take the stigma away from the commons system and live as one big community again.

  • At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I appreciate the Commons System in relation to the friendships I have formed, the great housing, Wonnacott's fantastic Deans, coordinators, and residential staff. The relationship established with my Common's Dean has assisted me in academic and college-life issues, which I don't feel I could seek out if my Dean was to be changed each time I switched Commons.
    However, although the residential bonding is a legitimate form of friendship acquisition, reliance on housing to maintain friendships is a dangerous social tendency. The big bad world after college graduation does not always provide the accessory of friendships through housing, and I feel as though I have been encouraged through my years here to meet new people outside my Commons to fully acquaint myself with the Middlebury student body. The counter argument is that yes, Commons Housing provides you with the necessity of meeting neighbors you may not have known via previous residence halls or houses. Middlebury's great attraction to me was the communal nature of the college within its rural environment. I feel as though the Commons system provides each student with this feeling via their faculty heads, administration, and residential staff. Please let me clarify, these relationships are opportunities, and thus require communication and effort. I have heard many students argue that their relationships with faculty heads or other staff is non-existent or very weak - that is just social indolence.
    My main request is towards reform of the Commons draw number. I have landed two 90+ numbers within my Commons and have been in Summer draw once. I hope that the system can be fixed in that the "random" nature of these numbers would allow poor luck one year to be matched with better luck the following year.
    Thanks for taking up this issue!

  • At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The counter argument is that yes, Commons Housing provides you with the necessity of meeting neighbors you may not have known via previous residence halls or houses.
    I meant to state the REMOVAL of Commons Housing

  • At 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    everyone is talking about the commons basically giving you an exclusive group of people to form friendships with rather than allowing you to feel part of the college community as a whole, but as a freshman from a very small high school, i appreciate having the student body broken down into groups that i can get to know without being overwhelmed - my hallmates, my dormmates, my classmates, etc. after all, how many friendships can you maintain at a time? not 2000, surely. there is no harm giving the student body smaller groups to bond within because these groups don't exclude friendships with students not in their commons. i disagree that it feels like five different colleges - in some ways, it breaks down the barriers between grade levels, the other option for major divisions. if housing were randomized, you would probably only get to know students in your class year rather than students of all ages living in your commons area. the commons system is useful and should be preserved.

  • At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    room draw NEEDS change (which is almost as shocking as the fact that an atwater junior said the current system is great!) hate the commons, love the commons, but please, PLEASE make housing more equal. until the commons all have equal options for senior housing, we need to implement some change in the current system.

  • At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


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